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XML example

In the XML file, the order of the fields is fixed, they cannot be interchanged.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmlszamlakifiz xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<beallitasok> <!-- settings -->
<szamlaagentkulcs>Please fill!</szamlaagentkulcs>
<szamlaszam>E-TST-2011-1</szamlaszam> <!-- invoice number -->
<adoszam>12345678-1-13</adoszam> <!-- If you provide the tax number of the issuer of invoice, then the system will match the incoming invoice with the corresponding incoming receipt. -->
<additiv>false</additiv> <!-- if it is true, then the former credit entries will be retained -->
<kifizetes> <!-- payment -->
<datum>2012-01-01</datum><!-- date -->
<jogcim>készpénz</jogcim><!-- payment type -->
<osszeg>1000</osszeg><!-- amount -->
<kifizetes><!-- an other payment -->
<leiras>Test description</leiras> <!-- Description, not required -->