XML example
In the XML file, the order of the fields is fixed, they cannot be interchanged.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmlszamlast xmlns="http://www.szamlazz.hu/xmlszamlast" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.szamlazz.hu/xmlszamlast https://www.szamlazz.hu/szamla/docs/xsds/agentst/xmlszamlast.xsd">
<szamlaagentkulcs>Please fill!</szamlaagentkulcs>
<!-- e-invoice (true/false) -->
<!-- download PDF -->
<!-- download PDF copy or original -->
<szamlaKulsoAzon></szamlaKulsoAzon><!-- string --> <!-- The invoice can be identified with this key by the third party system (system which uses the Számla Agent): later the invoice can be queried with this key -->
<!-- header -->
<!-- invoice number -->
<!-- date of issue -->
<!-- type -->
<!-- seller -->
<emailTargy>Email subject</emailTargy>
<!-- e-mail subject -->
<emailSzoveg>Lorem ipsum</emailSzoveg>
<!-- e-mail content -->
<!-- buyer -->